svg 13 Tyler Way
Delaware Industrial Park
Newark, DE 19713
svg Office: Monday - Friday: 8.00AM - 4:30PM
More Info about hours
Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Prestige Powder Inc. is Delaware's largest premier custom coater

Prestige Powder has successfully fulfilled numerous contracts with the U.S. Government and their subcontractors for MIL-SPEC coated parts. Our other industrial clients include Amtrak, Delmarva Power, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Lilly Fasteners, M. Davis and Tesla. Prestige can meet your high-volume production requirements as well as your specialty prototype needs. Our job shop can handle larger production runs to small one-time jobs. We service everything from modified and/or sprint car racing frames, motorcycle parts, tire rims and tractor parts to metal furniture and decorative lawn items.

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    We are the most experienced company with 25 years in business

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    We have retained over 1000 customers

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    We provide precise masking and coating services

An inside look at next-gen Amtrak trains

In 2019, Prestige Powder, Inc was contracted by Alstom to paint the interior panels, sub-assemblies, power car parts, bathroom modules, etc for the display model of the Amtrak High Speed Acela Train. This was a project that demanded extreme precision. This was an extremely rewarding experience to contribute to this project.

  • Honesty

    Clients have returned to Prestige Powder time and time again because they have found the pricing to be fair and competitive, and projects are completed by the promised deadline.

  • Passion

    We are passionate about delivering a precise and quality product for our customers. When they succeed, WE succeed!

  • Quality

    We offer a wide range of paints and powders! Couple that with technicians that bring years of experience and expertise to their job and the result is a quality product every time!


Why Choose Us?

Through our commitment, experience, and expertise Prestige Powder Finishing will help you meet your special powder coating and painting needs…..with Expert Results!


Years of Experience
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    We are the most experienced company in Delaware

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    We have the best reputation in the industry

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    We have a dedicated and passionate team

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    We completed over 1800 projects

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    We have over 1,000 customers

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    Years of

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We are focused on streamlining our processes so we can continue to deliver the best possible results!

Our Team Members

Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results

  • Owner/Operator


  • Shop Manager


  • Lead Coating Technician


  • Lead Blast Technician


  • CoatingTechnician


  • CoatingTechnician - Fabricator


What Our Clients Say?

Our success is measured by how our clients feel about their experience with us. These reviews affirm that we're on the right way.

Latest Blog Posts

Blogging is to writing what extreme sports are to athletics: more free-form, more accident-prone, less formal, more alive. It is, in many ways, writing out loud. (c)

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    Metal Furniture...

    We acquired a lot 22 pieces of metal furniture that we can coat with YOUR color choice! We will prep and process them with a

Corporate Partners

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